Crazy team of guitar repairing mavericks helps poor guitarists save energy bending down.
Jack’s Instrument Services and his team of guitar obsessed knob twiddlers from good old Manchester, England have done it again. Remember the dreamy Fender Jazzmaster and its built-in delay effect that gripped the nation a couple of weeks ago. Well, now they have given hope to all the filthy dirt obsessed electric guitarists with their latest energy saving creation.

Since the earliest days of the first guitar pedals, one problem has plagued all guitarists around the world. Bending down to adjust the knobs on your pedals. Causing countless overworked guitarists to use valuable energy and put them at risk of developing awful back problems.
This even resulted in what many experts believe to be the cause of the awful Shoegazing outbreak in the late ’80s when thousands of guitarists got to the point of developing slouched Quasimodo postures.
Now, after over a year of careful research, planning and designing the team has created the ultimate solution.
Meet The Fuzzbeast
They have cut a hole in a guitar and put a guitar pedal in. But not just any old pedal, no a FUZZ, and it’s based on a Zvez Fuzz Factory. The Death By Audio inspired faceplate also includes even more knobs for an octave circuit and an impressively large joystick to get your hand around.
The drastically modified Epiphone Les Paul has been fitted with a stereo output with the power running down one side of the cable, so no need to worry about replacing batteries. It was also has been upgraded with no nonsense Tonerider Generator zebra pickups and received a full fret dress whilst in the workshop.
Check the video below for a full rundown on what this beast can do.
Let’s hope Jack and his wood in hand clan get plenty of virtuosi Matt Bellamy wannabes calling.
They could end up starting a new genre of music altogether “Hipgazing” if they’re not careful with the likes of fellow eccentric Youtuber “Look Mum No Computer”.
He’s also not averse to chopping up guitars as with his real Gibson Les Paul Synth Monster.
He states in his video that “some of you might be saying, ‘why the heck have you done that to a Gibson Les Paul, why didn’t you do it to a cheaper guitar?’ Well, the thing is, why would you do it to a cheaper guitar? If you’re gonna be using it, you may as well do it to the guitar you like playing.”
That’s more Rock N Rock than half of the saddos out there so I take my hat off to him.
See the video below for “Look Mum No Computer” Les Paul Synth hack job.
Great to see plenty the spirit of innovation is alive and well in this boring musical wasteland.
It’s a well known fact that many guitarists are only second to singers when it comes to suffering from a glass back. So if your one of those unfortunate souls then this may be the ideal solution for you and can contact the well regarded Jack’s Instrument Service on the link below.
As ever let me know your thoughts in the comments below and get talking some Guitar Bollocks.